Prairie Butter is a versatile product that can be used for anything from a simple moisturizer to a therapeutic treatment. It is great for eczema, dermatitis, acne prone skin, dry feet, diaper rash, and aids as an anti-inflammatory ingredient for skin care. 

Tallow, the main ingredient in Prairie Butter, has been prized for skincare for centuries because it’s highly compatible with our skin and packed full of anti-aging nutrients.

Tallow is rich in oleic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid. These are all known for their abilities to  prevent water loss from the skin’s surface as it deeply penetrates the skin. 

  Tallow contains the abundant fat-soluble activators — vitamins A, B12, D, E, and K — which are necessary for skin health. It also contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which has anti-inflammatory properties.

  • You do not need to use very much, a little goes along way. it is not greasy or oily and will naturally moisturize your skin.
  • Natural and safe bioavailable source of Vitamin A which can help with skin regeneration 
  • Vitamin E has been know to help prevent collagen breakdown.
  • Provides adequate moisture for skin and is compatible with our skin’s natural oils.
  • Tallow contains some antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Beef tallow is simply raw beef fat that has been cooked down or rendered to remove impurities and create a clean product. This rendering process also makes it shelf stable. I only use the fat around the organs of the animal and I do my own rendering.
  •  It has a comedogenic rating of 2 which means it is non-comedogenic and has a moderately to low likelihood of clogging pores.
  • Does not contain any  polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) 
  • Tallow has a fat profile very similar to our own skin, so it will absorbs and nourishes the skin deeply.  Grass Fed Tallow is comprised of 50% saturated fat. Our skin's cell membranes are also composed of 50% saturated fat, which makes tallow a nourishing food for our skin. 

  •  Since our weather changes from season to season, it may need some warming up in the palm of your hand before applying in the winter months. if you use makeup, allow the product to absorb (it may take a minute).

  • Keep in mind, since tallow naturally boosts the skin’s cell turnover rate which can lead to a buildup of dead skin cells, it would be a good idea to exfoliate weekly or bi weekly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Shea Butter - refined
  • Raw shea butter is packed with vitamins and nutrients that are good for your skin. 

  • Shea butter contains fatty acids which lubricate the skin and create a barrier that keeps moisture in.
  • Contains anti-inflammatory substances
  • Shea butter contains two antioxidants:

    Vitamin A - 

    “Vitamin A is crucial for skin health — to help firm skin and reduce wrinkles. Vitamin A plumps skin by stimulating the production of collagen

    Vitamin E

    Shea butter naturally has a lot of vitamin E. Vitamin E helps the skin by preventing cellular damage and boosting moisture.

  • Shea butter is safe for people with nut allergies. Allergens are proteins. While shea butter does come from nuts, it’s made entirely of fat, so it’s allergen-free.                                                                                                                                                                         
  • Honey in skin care helps to sooth, moisturize, hydrate and rejuvenate your skin to restore its natural glow from within and give your complexion a healthy boost.

    Honey also contains enzymes that allow moisture to penetrate deeply into the skin, bringing much-needed hydration to the deeper layers. This can result in softer, plumper skin that's naturally radiant all day long.     

    Jojoba Oil Deeply Hydrates & Moisturizes the Skin

  • Hydrates the skin, balances natural oil production, delivers antioxidant protection, has anti-inflammatory effects, may have some antibacterial properties, and can also help reduce acne.

  • Jojoba oil mimics your skin’s natural oil production, it balances your skin

  • The vitamin E and antioxidants in jojoba help protect your skin from sun damage and restore moisture

  • It is soothing and gentle to the skin so it is perfect for sensitive skin types                       

    Aloe Vera Juice - Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, Smoothing, Protective, Nourishing Clarifying, Soothing, Hydrating

  • Aloe Vera Juice is believed to hydrate, exfoliate, nourish, clarify, and revitalize the skin. It helps protect the skin before and after the harmful effects of UV radiation, and it works to repair the damage. 
  • It also helps to prevent and diminish the appearance of wrinkles, acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis. It moisturizes without leaving with a greasy residue.
  • Its smoothing quality helps to prevent and diminish the appearance of wrinkles, making it ideal for "anti-aging" 


Dragon Cream is a silky, soft, smooth cool feeling moisturizer. This is a favorite daily Facial cream that also can be used on the entire body.  

Jojoba Oil Deeply Hydrates & Moisturizes the Skin 

This oil is perfect for dry skin, acne-prone skin, sensitive skin, and redness. Jojoba oil is appropriate for anyone’s skin type, and it is safe for daily use. 

Jojoba is a wax ester that mimics natural human sebum in the skin. This wax conditions the skin and seals in moisture without causing acne or clogging the pores.

jojoba oil is packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, copper, zinc, chromium, and flavonoids. All these work together to protect the skin from the effects of oxidative stress which may causes fine lines, and wrinkles.

Organic, virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil - hydration boost to your skin without any added ingredients or chemicals.

  • With antioxidant and phytonutrient (plant compounds) components, coconut oil can help boost your nutrient factor and fight against environmental stressors that accelerate signs of aging.
  • Coconut oil is made up of medium chain fatty acids that help to reduce dryness and allow your skin to retain moisture.
  •  Prone to dryer skin, coconut oil may become your new best friend. By repairing your skin’s barrier, it can help lessen the amount of moisture your skin loses.                                                                                                                                                            These are the main reasons Coconut Oil is included in the Dragon Cream.

Grapeseed Oil 

  • high in linoleic acid which helps to strengthen the skin's barrier.
  • Grapeseed oil’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce acne and other skin inflammations such as dry skin, eczema and psoriasis.
  • Helps reduce inflammation and hydrates the skin to plump fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Contains powerful antioxidants.
  • It rates as a very low 1 on the comedogenic scale, making it ideal for most skin types
  • It is non-comedogenic and gentle on the skin making it suitable for even the most sensitive skin types.

  • Rich in many other superior compounds: beta-carotene, vitamins D, C, E, and polyphenols. These compounds have powerful antioxidant abilities, which may prevent your skin from absorbing the full damage of UV rays or other environmental aggressors.

  • Excellent for locking moisture into the skin.
  • Grapeseed oil absorbs easily, delivering intense moisture without leaving skin feeling oily or greasy.
  • It has natural astringent properties, making the skin look tighter and more youthful.


  • Beeswax forms a protective barrier on the skin's surface, protecting your skin from environmental irritants and harsh weather.
  • Non-comedogenic (non-pore blocking), allowing the skin to breathe freely. This makes beeswax particularly beneficial for acne-prone and sensitive skin.

  • Beeswax can create a protective layer on the skin and is also a humectant (means that it attracts and binds water). Both of these qualities can help the skin stay hydrated.
  • Contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce redness and irritation. It can also
  • May help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Contains Vitamin A, which stimulates collagen production and helps speed up the process of cell turnover.

  • Provides natural retinol, as well as a host of hydrating, and antimicrobial benefits.


Sunfyre Deodorant is made with very simple yet very effective all natural ingredients.  There are no hidden ingredients or fillers in this product. One advantage of natural deodorants is that they contain no aluminum-based compounds.  With much research and trials I have developed a deodorant that I feel is so effective and beneficial to our health.  The deodorant was my first attempt at converting to natural products, so I have been playing with this formulation since 2014! 

Magnesium Oil

  • Magnesium Oil is a beneficial alternative as it kills odor-causing bacteria without blocking the pores or reducing skin moisture
  • Helps balance the body's natural pH.
  • It can also help reduce body odor from excessive perspiration.     

Coconut Oil     

  •  Coconut oil is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which makes it an ideal natural remedy for underarm     odor.       
  • When applied under the armpits or any area prone to sweating, the lauric acid in the coconut oil rapidly eliminates and prevents the occurrence of odor-causing bacteria. 
  • Absorbing quickly into the skin, this ingredient amplys hydration of the epidermis, including delicate areas like the armpits. 

Arrowroot Powder       

  •  Arrowroot powder aids in  perspiration absorption, stench prevention, and providing a smooth feeling to products, this   deodorant ingredient is safe for you and the environment.
  •  Extracted from the root of the maranta plant, arrowroot powder is a 100% natural product.
  •  It has anti-irritant and non-allergenic properties (does not have antimicrobial properties).      

Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate)           

  • Sodium Bicarbonate is an antibacterial and pH neutraliser. In our deodorants, it is used to 
  • neutralise the acid in sweat and eliminate underarm bacteria, therefore preventing body odor from forming.
  • It is an amazing deodorizer!


Cadmus Toothpaste is made from 100% natural ingredients. 

Coconut Oil

  • Coconut oil naturally fights bacteria and destroys bacteria that causes cavities.
  • The enzymes in coconut oil attach themselves to the bacteria on your teeth, and pull them off.
  • Can help with reducing gingivitis and bad breath.
  • The saturated fats in coconut oil interfere with the metabolism of cavity-causing bacteria, protecting your teeth from decay.
  • Balances mouth acidity: An imbalance in pH levels can lead to acidic environments in the mouth, causing demineralization and enamel erosion. Coconut oil toothpaste can help maintain a healthy pH balance in your mouth.

Bentonite Clay

  • This ingredient is good at absorbing toxins and neutralizing bad bacteria.
  • It has an alkalizing effect too which is beneficial for the health of your teeth and gums.
  • Bentonite clay is healthy, and has strengthening and replenishing minerals, such as silica, calcium and magnesium.
  • Acts as a natural tooth polisher without being harmfully abrasive. 
  • May naturally whiten teeth as it helps to remove stains from teeth.

Monk Fruit

 The main reason I add a very small amount of Monk Fruit to my toothpaste is to sweeten the taste, its sweetness comes from a type of compound called mogrosides and is free of natural sugar. 

  • Monk fruit is about 200 times sweeter than sugar but does taste a tad different.
  • It has antibacterial effects found against not only S. mutans but Porphyromonas gingivalis and Candida albicans. 
  • Can effectively protect against tooth decay.